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What Jesus Said About Family

Much of what Jesus said in His teaching had to do with relationships. Of course, the first and most important relationships that shape me is family. Did Jesus have anything to say about how we relate to our family?Actually, He said a lot.

May 12th| Being a Parent | Matthew 19:13-15

Being a great parent starts with how you see and value children. Jesus not only gave us a clear understanding of the importance of children, He also modeled how we relate to them. My ability to love, cherish and add value to children is found in how Jesus loved, cherished and added value to them. To prepare, read Matthew 19:13-15.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

May 19th| Marriage | Matthew 19:1-12; Philippians 2:6-11

Jesus didn't marry. But He did say some significant things about it. Ultimately, His relationship with His followers was the greatest example of what our attitudes should be toward our spouses in marriage. The best advice Jesus gives for marriage is what He modeled in His sacrificial love. To prepare, read Matthew 19:1-12 and Philippians 2:6-11.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

May 26th| Being A Kid | Matthew 15:1-9; 19:16-19; Exodus 20:12

Jesus didn't marry. But He did say some significant things about it. Ultimately, His relationship with His followers was the greatest example of what our attitudes should be toward our spouses in marriage. The best advice Jesus gives for marriage is what He modeled in His sacrificial love. To prepare, read Matthew 19:1-12 and Philippians 2:6-11.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

June 2nd| Handling Conflict | Matthew 5:21-26

In a family of imperfect people, conflict is inevitable. Jesus was fully aware of the disputes, fights and even bitter breakups that can happen among family and close friends. As a serious follower of Jesus, how should I handle these conflicts? How do I respond to someone who has wronged me? How do I make and keep peace in my family? To prepare, read Matthew 5:21-26.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

June 9th| Teamwork | John 17:6-26

Guest Speaker: John Brockman Crane

Family is the first institution God created in the Garden of Eden. He created this group of people with purpose. Yet, the fall of human beings also caused a fall in their perspective of family's place in the world. As Jesus prayed for His disciples, He was praying for what they would do collectively in and for the world. This prayer was for individuals, churches, and families. To prepare, read John 17:6-26.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

June 16th| Being An Example | Matthew 6:25-34

Leadership is more than a title. While parents are definitely leaders in a home, every person in a family has the opportunity to be an example of God's priorities. If leadership is influence, how will I be an example of a serious relationship with God for everyone else in my family to see? Jesus gave clear instructions on what we should focus upon in life. Am I seriously following His direction? To prepare, read Matthew 6:25-34.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.


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