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What Jesus Said About You

Jesus said a lot about us...human beings created in His image. If you want to know your identity, listen to what Jesus had to say about you. You'll find out you're worth so much to God and have tremendous opportunity to enjoy the life He designed you to experience.

June 23rd | You Are Loved By God | John 15:9-17

If there was only one thing you needed to know in this life, it's that God loves you. Jesus not only said this, He demonstrated it with complete personal sacrifice. He not only told us God loved us, He defined it with His teaching and His actions. To prepare, read John 15:9-17.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

June 30th | You Are Designed For A Purpose | Mark 12:28-34

Jesus said you have two main purposes in life: love God and love people. He has also instilled within you talents and passions that enable you to discover His specific strategy to accomplish those purposes. What can you learn from Jesus regarding using your gifts and passions to fulfill your purpose? In other words, what is God's calling on your life? To prepare, read Mark 12:28-34.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

July 7th | You Are Broken In Spirit | John 3:14-21

Jesus made it clear, every human born has come into this world with an infection called sin. You can believe you're inherently good, but the entire purpose of Jesus coming to the world was to take the sentence you deserve for your sin. It's obvious the world is broken. But it's also obvious you're broken too. Now what? Jesus offers tremendous hope. To prepare, read John 3:14-21.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

July 14th | You Are Counter-Cultural | John 17:13-19

One of the wonderful things Jesus does in you when you believe in and follow Him is empower you to live according to His purpose. While the world will have completely different values and morals from you, He offers you His Holy Spirit to transform the way you think, your priorities and even your ability to resist temptation. Jesus made it clear, when we follow Him, we are different than our world. What does that look like on a daily basis? To prepare, read John 17:13-19.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

July 21st | You Are An Influencer | Matthew 5:13-16

The world can be a dark place, whether that's in the hot spots of war or in the violence of a volatile relationship. The results can be physical pain, poverty, emotional suffering and social conflict. Jesus made it clear, you have a tremendous opportunity to be light in the darkness. You can influence people toward wonderful life offered in following Jesus. How does that happen? How do you do it? To prepare, read Matthew 5:13-16.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.

July 28th | You Are Made To Worship | Psalm 139:7-10

Dr. Charles Lake end our series on What Jesus Said About You by leading a sermon on how each of us is made to worship. He starts his discussion with reading from Psalm 139:7-10. We also celebrate the Baptism of many here at Southland.

*To view THE CLASSIC, click HERE.

*To view THE WELL, click HERE.


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